
Bird’s eye


A bird is Mother Nature’s magical creation. When we see them soaring in the blue sky, swooping down efficiently whenever needed, and suddenly taking off and disappearing into the vastness of the skies again, we marvel at their ability of keen vision. It is this unique quality of birds that we, at “Bird’s Eye” have leveraged to bring our services to esteemed clients.

Birds focus. Birds concentrate. Birds have clarity of vision. They can identify their targets.

“Bird’s Eye” does just that for you. Focus, concentrate and bring you the correct image of the target you identify for us.

Arjun in Mahabharat saw only the bird’s eye as his target. His focus made him oblivious to things around the bird’s eye – the bird itself, the tree on which it rested, the people who had gathered there, even his family and his Guru. For Arjun, the bird’s eye was the focus; for us, “Bird’s Eye” focuses. Arjun targeted the bird’s eye; we target through the “Bird’s Eye”. The EYE matters.

At “Bird’s Eye”, we understand the simile. We help you see things with the precision which only the binocular vision of a bird matches. Like a bird has the ability to move its eyes to 360 degrees, we shoot your target with a similar camera movement. When a photograph is taken from above, it is known as a bird’s eye view. It gives a broad view of a subject, an area or a situation. A panoramic or aerial view helps the viewer feel superior and above the object. This, we know, will enable you to assess minute details of the object you wish to view from a panoramic perspective.

Adding to our basic services of Bird’s Eye View, (Drone Photography & Videography) we progressed with the Grace of God and a positive response from our clients. We spread our wings further, for more services like Drone Survey, LiDAR Survey, Multimedia Services and Digital Solutions.

Drone Survey

A drone survey refers to the use of a drone, or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), to capture aerial data with downward-facing sensors, such as RGB or multispectral cameras payloads. During a drone survey with an RGB camera, the ground is photographed several times from different angles, and each image is tagged with coordinates.

LiDAR Survey

LiDAR an acronym for Light Detection and Ranging uses eye-safe laser beams to create a 3D representation of the surveyed environment. We know just precisely, how to analyze and aesthetically present the data to our clients when they desire this particular service from us.

Multi Media Services

We bring the extensive, yet meticulous usage of technology to various industries by offering an appealing audio visual format to click into the mind of the end user. Multimedia makes this possible. We at “Bird’s Eye” use our technical expertise to get you Drone Photography & Videography, Film Making (Documentaries, Ad Films and Corporate Films etc.), Time Lapse, Virtual Tours, Still Photography and Videography, Animation and more as per your demands.

Digital Solutions

We cater to your needs of Web Designing, Graphic Designing, Digital Marketing, and also making Mobile Apps.

The technical experts at “Bird’s Eye” are always at your service. The satisfaction of our clients is our motto and we strive to fulfill their expectations to our best.

With our resources, technical expertise, committed and dedicated team, we solicit support and encouragement from clients and promise to walk that extra mile to bring a smile of satisfaction on their faces. Bolstering businesses through effective services remains our aim always.

At “Bird’s Eye”……..We watch you with Bird’s Eye.

Let's start something
completely new together